
1 package (16 oz.) lasagna noodles
1 LB ground beef
60 oz. tomato sauce
1 large and 1 small container cottage cheese
1 3/4 LB mozzarella cheese, shredded
2 eggs
Italian seasoning
Garlic powder
Parsley flakes

Cook pasta according to package directions. Heat oven to 350 F. In a large skillet cook meat, then drain all grease. Stir in tomato sauce, then season with Italian seasoning, garlic powder, salt and pepper. In a medium bowl stir together cottage cheese, 1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese and eggs. Season with Italian seasonings, garlic powder and parsley flakes.

In a 9x13x2 baking dish spread a small amount of tomato mixture on bottom of dish, then place 3 pasta pieces lengthwise over sauce. Spread cottage cheese mixture over pasta, sprinkle with mozzarella cheese, then cover with tomato mixture. Repeat layers of pasta, cottage cheese mixture, mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce. Sprinkle top pasta layer with a generous amount of mozzarella cheese.

Repeat process in a 9x9x2 baking dish with remaining ingredients. Cover with foil (spray lightly with oil to prevent cheese from sticking to foil) and bake 40 minutes. Remove foil and cook for 7-10 more minutes or until cheese is hot and bubbly. Let stand 10-20 minutes before cutting. Freezes well.

This is my husband’s favorite meal and is a favorite to serve to guests. I personally don’t eat it anymore due to the cottage cheese (unless anyone has any great ideas for a cottage cheese substitute), however we still make it often because it is always such a big hit and is such an easy freezer meal.

Freezing instructions: Once lasagna cools, cut into individual proportions and freeze in small Tupperware containers. Once frozen, run Tupperware under warm water, then pop out lasagna and freeze in a gallon size ziplock freezer bag. The day before serving, transfer to fridge and allow several hours for lasagna to slowly thaw. Warm in microwave or in oven.


  1. Hi There, it's Janessa (shmanessa8) from the BBC board. You're blog is really great and I've linked to it on my blog, hope you don't mind! Anyways, I have a question about the ingredients in your recipes... are they msg free? Do you buy a special brand or can I just buy a generic can of tomato sauce? Thanks!

  2. Just to clarify, I'm wondering if I can just assume that ALL the ingredients are msg free? Does that make sense? LOL

  3. Hi Janessa! Thanks, I'm glad you've enjoyed my blog. Everyone's sensitivity to MSG is unique. Some tolerate it more than others. The less anyone eats the better off they are. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest), I'd say my sensitivity level is an 8.

    All of these recipes are MSG free (as long as you buy the right brand of ingredients. I do most of my grocery shopping at regular grocery stores but I'm very picky about which brands I purchase).

    For example I personally only buy Muir Glen Organic tomato sauce or I bottle my own. You can also blend up fresh tomatoes and use the puree instead of canned tomato sauce.

    The generic brand of tomato sauce would have seasonings and natural flavors (both ingredients I avoid).

    If you have any other questions, feel free to send them my way. Happy cooking! :)



  4. What brand of cottage cheese do you buy? I have not been able to find one without carrageenan? Love your blog!

  5. Hello!

    Sorry this post is deceiving. I wrote in the notes section I don't make this exact recipe for myself because of the cottage cheese issue but make it often for my husband (because its a favorite of his).

    I haven't been able to find a safe brand of cottage cheese so I leave the cottage cheese out of the recipe when I make it for myself and add extra mozzarella cheese.

    Next time I make it without the cottage cheese I'll pay attention to the proportion of mozzarella cheese and post a second version.

    If you happen to come across a cottage cheese without carrageenan- please let me know! :)
